If you would like to make a referral, please read the guidance notes below.
After reading the guidance, please complete this form and submit. Please note that the 3 Day Food Diary, hosted on our web page, needs to be completed in advance of making the referral and uploaded to this form. DO NOT CONTINUE IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THE DIARY. The ARFID pathway in AAEDS is commissioned to offer assessment and treatment for those aged 8 years old and over AND displaying symptoms of ARFID
If you wish to discuss suitability of a referral, please contact us on
0300 300 1980 BEFORE you make a referral
We offer a duty triage service with one of our duty clinicians,
9.00am-5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Referrals cannot be accepted without mandatory information being provided where indicated by an asterisk (*).
If this information is NOT provided,
WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THE REFERRAL and will return it to you for completion.
We aim to offer assessments for routine referrals within 28 days and for urgent referrals within 1 week.
Urgency is determined by the triage officer on the basis of national guidance
We can only offer treatment to patients who are registered with a G.P that is within Kent Medway CCGs
Fields marked * are required.
Patient Details

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Yes   No 

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Yes   No  NA 
Smoker   Non-smoker  Ex-smoker  NA 
Not in education   In education  NA 

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Yes   No  NA 

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Yes   No 

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Yes   No 

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Parent/Carer/Next of kin

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Yes   No 
Yes   No  NA 
Yes   No  NA 
Yes   No  NA 
Yes   No  NA 
Yes   No 
Yes   No 
Patient related medical information

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Yes   No 

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Check or tick (if the answer is none, please leave this section blank)

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Patient Difficulties

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Yes   No 

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Yes   No 

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Risk Factors

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Yes   No 

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Safeguarding and Social Care
Yes   No 
Yes   No 
Yes   No 

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Referrer Details
Yes   No 

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